
Health promotion and Environmental protection in Busoga through the promotion of sustainable utilization of herbal medicine.

Health promotion and Environmental protection in Busoga through the promotion of sustainable utilization of herbal medicine.

A healthy mind, which is capable of thinking critically in an effort to solve problems, needs to be settled in a healthy body and a healthy environment.

It is in the promotion of harmony among these, that Cultural Research Centre embarked on researching the herbal medicine world of the Basoga, as well as sensitizing and training herbalists on how to sustainably harvest and use herbal medicines. This not only contributes to the protection of the environment and improving human health conditions in the target communities, but also improves on their savings, given that what would be spend in hospitals and clinics is saved.

The sensitization and trainings were meant to empower target populations with the knowledge and skills of tapping herbal medicines to treat common ailments which in the long run can reduce on their expenses on medical care. Such reduced expenses result into savings which can enhance investment, resulting, in turn to economic growth and development. In the trainings quoted above, people were encouraged to plant useful herbs and trees around their homes. People were also encouraged to desist from cutting down trees/forests because these are the habitats for useful medicinal herbs. This particular endeavour was concluded by publishing a book entitled “Herbal Medicine: Sustainable Utilization of Herbal Medicine in Busoga.” See information on Cultural Research Centre’s publication.


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